Thursday, November 8, 2012

Death comes to Tikur Anbessa

Today was our second to last day.  We saw our first big accident which was a bus up on the median near the hospital.

Sister had worked all night along with one of the other nurses.  A little premie we saw on rounds yesterday died.  They weren't sure why.  We had seen the baby yesterday and he was somewhat distended.  There was an x-ray from the day before and his stomach was quite dilated though there was bowel gas beyond.  That x-ray also showed a lot of feeding tube curled up in his stomach.  I suggested they get another x-ray and hold feedings.  I saw the follow up x-ray today and it showed a pretty classic mid-gut volvulus (twisted intestine) with a very large stomach bubble again and some bowel gas beyond.  I felt pretty bad and should have recognized it myself.  There was also one triplet who had come from a small hospital 45 km away.  He looked about 35-36 weeks.  The other two evidently died at the other hospital.  The residents didn't know how this one got here.  The baby actually looked pretty good and was not needing any respiratory support.

We made rounds with the residents again.  My little one on cpap looked sort of pale but when we examined him he was pretty active.  He was also spitting up and had some bowel loops so we stopped feeding and the residents are to check on him later.  In the term baby room there is a baby with Trisomy 18 and one who likely has Turner's Syndrome.  Another baby who seems likely to have a congenital viral infection.

Not a great day then.

Cindy and I went back to lunch at the Ambassador Park restaurant.  We tried the cookies at the Ambassador Pastry shop but those were a disappointment.

Our two enormous cookies.  Unfortunately not that good!!  

Rosie went to another museum, one that we had seen earlier.  We finished making more circuits.  We made some lists of things we need to bring back tomorrow and how much money we will need to settle our accounts.  We also got our seats on the flight from here to Istanbul on Saturday.  I'm a bit sad to go.  Beginning to hatch my plan to get back though perhaps for shorter periods.

Lemma drove us back to the Red Cross as usual.  We asked him about his wife and daughter who we understood live in the U.S.  He didn't understand us and became a bit anxious about our question.  So when we got to the Red Cross, he followed us from the car and got someone here to translate.  He was quite relieved to find out what we were asking.  She lives in San Diego.  I don't have a good picture of him to show but will remedy that tomorrow.

Tomorrow we are visiting three other hospital NICUs in Addis in the afternoon.  It will be good to see other places.  

1 comment:

  1. That seemed to go fast. Can't believe you only have a few more days!
