Wednesday, October 24, 2012

another Tuesday

Highlights of today:

Black Lion:
Rounds with the residents.  We are using our O2 sat probe though the little portable device doesn’t show the heart rate very well.   The residents are very nice.  I think they seem to have practical ideas about how to care for the babies.  Given the imperfection of the technology they have to work with, they are doing quite well.  They are basically on their own as well.  Except for Cindy and me on rounds, there are no attending physicians to support them.  We found a proposal for how the NICU would run.  The fellows are to be the attending physicians and when they aren’t around, like now, the senior resident is the “pretending”.  Perfectly worded! 
The door to the premie side and the term baby side to the right

Cindy went in to the Term Baby side to visit.
That's a mom holding her baby just to her right.

I am still struggling with their names and I will get them to write them down for me.
Morning Grand Rounds was cancelled because the president of the Health Sciences School called for an emergency meeting of the faculty.  The docs seemed a bit agitated by it.  Cindy and I still feel like there is more we could do so that is very frustrating.  We haven’t seen Bogale except briefly last week.

The City:
We walked to lunch again, this time a bit further.  There are nice places like the Ambassador Park and the Cottage restaurant and grounds hidden behind the crowded streets.  Some “city boys” hassled us but then another man chased them off!!  We are not the only ones who find them irritating.  Saw a few bicycles today for the first time on our way to the hospital and also a very good runner coming toward us along the side of the road. 

Lunch at the Cottage restaurant—French Onion Soup for both of us, great garlic bread
Machiatos and Chocolate Tort at the Ambassador Pastry Shop on the way back to the hospital after.  This was very cheap, 28 Birr or less than 50 cents.  We should go daily.  Great looking cookies also and may sample tomorrow.
I tried some of the Ethiopian food finally for breakfast.  Still avoiding the spiciest.
My breakfast--the orange part is pretty spicy!  It's injera mixed with spices.

The yummy garlic bread on the left!
The outside of the restaurant which was down an alley from the street
cookies at the Ambassador Pastry Shop

1 comment:

  1. Where are the attending physicians?

    The food photos look better this time.
