We had another pretty good day at Tikur Anbessa though most everyone is away at the Ethiopia Pediatric Society meeting at the Sheraton. We decided we should stay and teach and round in the NICU. We also did some more work on our CPAP changes.
Lots of babies under phototherapy today.
Two others needing it as well. |
The hospital ran out of reagents for bilirubin testing so the parents have to pay to have the test done in a private lab. The parents of the baby on the far left could not afford it so he has not been tested though he looks pretty jaundiced. The test costs 67 birr ($3.50 US). Another reminder of how lucky we are.
Aluminum foil to increase the surface area exposed to the light!
Brought a box in on Monday, now it's being used for everyone!
That was easy. |
We heard we would see exchange transfusions...so far none.
That's good
If you are wondering, not twins. It's quite common to share the resources.
Then we had quite a ride home!! This doesn't completely capture the traffic at this intersection. We got safely through and didn't see any other casualties. As you see these, remember, that all the cars and people are moving--no one stops, just accelerate or decelerate. Honking is a catalyst. Cindy noted that all the drivers ride on the white lines so they can move from lane to lane more quickly as needed.
Cars in all directions, people crossing.
No bikes in this series but we've seen some. |
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